In this article I want to explain to you how to buy credit-card numbers from the dark web. It used to be that you could get some information for free on how to buy credit-card numbers from the dark web, but now with the amount of malware that is available and the sophistication of the scammers it's no longer quite so easy, although the chance still exists. There are still ways that you can get some free information if you use a forum or an online chat room, and I have done just that in the past with one particular site. If you do find a legit site it will most likely cost you a subscription fee, and those subscription fees are usually not expensive at all. The sites that don't cost anything are much harder to come by, but if you want to know how to buy credit-card numbers on the dark web then you need to get a hold of them through one of these methods, because if you can't then there's a very good chance that your valuable information could be at risk.