Like the fifth season
Like the fifth season Aug 30

Like the fifth season

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After being named to the All-Star team Wiggins transformed, believing that his standard in games of 18 is suitable for the All-Star team. He then dropped his standards. In later rounds Wiggins is able to shoot from middle of the range. The ball will never breakthrough and , sometimes, even exit in the conduction mechanism of his teammates.

Maybe the Warriors' previous record and consistent data gave him an impression that sustaining the current level was enough. However, it appears that, for a player who earns an annual salary of $30 million, that's far from being enough.

The players that were paid less than him performed more complicated and superior to Wiggins on the court.From the point above, Wiggins' most significant problem is that he does not play the game with a sense of urgency. Maybe the coach gave him some techniques but he's afraid to display himself in the courts.

If Green and Klay do not show up others players, including Curry, All work very intensely, but Wiggins does not do his best which is the reason Curry was adamant about Wiggins when he spoke to him in the context of an interview.If Wiggins continues to play with this casual attitude, NBA 2K will lower his rating when it comes to the next update but not just that it could mean that the Warriors could also take the player out of the team.

After all, he's earning an excellent salary, and his contribution to the team. However, there wasn't compensation for his efforts.The start of a new season signals an opportunity to start afresh. With the end in the 4th season five seasons of NBA 2K23 also kicked off before the players. For Harden, joining the 76ers is also a new start.
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30-August-2022 - 08:15 Start date
31-August-2022 - 08:15 End date
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