
How to create a Twitter account on your phone

How to create a Twitter account on your phone

Step 1: Open the Twitter app on your phone, select Create account. Continue to enter information about Name, Phone number or email address and Date of Birth > Select Next.
Step 2: Select Register and Enter the verification code > Select Next.
Step 3: Set a password for your account > Select Next.
Step 4: Select a profile picture or select Skip now if there is no need.
Step 5: Describe your Profile a bit or Skip it for now.
Step 6: Sync contacts or Not now if there is no need.
Step 7: Select the suggested categories or Skip for now if there is no need.

Step 8: Twitter suggests you to follow, you can choose Follow or click Next to skip.

Now you can start your Twitter experience.
After successfully creating an account and logging in, you can download twitter videos with our browser

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