Lam Pham Construction Company Limited (LPC) established on August 22, 2007 is a company operating in the field of construction in Europe and Vietnam with the following fields of activity:
- Supervision Consulting - Project Management Consulting - Project Management
- General Contractor of Design and Construction
- Research and transfer new technology material solutions: Ubot beamless flat floor; Fiberglass reinforced concrete (GRC\UHPC)
- LPC France - Deploying projects in France
With an experience background inherited from experts in Europe, over 15 years of experience, LPC has had the opportunity to cooperate and work with many large corporations in Europe and Vietnam. Projects implemented by LPC are present in more than 60 provinces and cities with more than 2000 projects of different sizes.
LPC has been building the image of a professional, multinational company with advanced construction technology and solutions according to European standards. The combination with World Architects and Companies will bring investors the most effective and reasonable architectural, structural and construction options.
Address: 226 Le Trong Tan - Thanh Xuan - Hanoi
Tel: (+84) 24 6675 5597
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