How Rolled Oats Are Beneficial For Your Health?

What Are Rolled Oats?
Oat groats that have been steamed and flattened are known as rolled oats or old-fashioned oats. Due to their partial cooking, they are easier to prepare than steel-cut oats and have a milder flavour and softer texture. It takes two to five minutes to make a bowl of rolled oats. Additionally, baked foods like cookies, cakes, muffins, and bread can include rolled oats.

All oats are born with both the husk and the grain still attached. The sturdy covering that encases and safeguards each individual grain is called a husk. Following removal of that, the oats (at this time commonly referred to as groats) are steamed and flattened between large rollers, hence the term rolled oats. The oats are then dried in a kiln to add flavour and inactivate an enzyme that occurs naturally in the oat and can convert fats to fatty acids, which gives oats a rancid taste.

Rolled Oats Health Benefits
1. Oats are full of antioxidants
2. Beta-glucan found in oats
3. Enhance blood sugar control
4. Reduce cholesterol levels
5. Aid in weight loss
6. Oats could benefit skin care
