Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure. It involves pricking the skin with tiny sterilized needles. The small wounds cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heal your skin and help you look younger. You might also hear it called collagen induction therapy, or collagen therapy. The results that patients see from Collagen Induction Therapy before and after are nothing less than extraordinary, with patients having noticeably clearer skin even immediately after their first treatment. Acuquerque provides state of the art microneedling in Albuquerque.
website for more information: https://acuquerque.com/

Cosmetic Acupuncture Microneedling Nano needling – Albuquerque

Cosmetic Acupuncture Microneedling Nano needling – Albuquerque

Cosmetic Acupuncture spa in Albuquerque providing: microneedling, nano needling, collageninduction therapy, and facial acupuncture in ABQ.