Delve into the spiritual essence of Rudrabhishek, a revered Hindu ritual extolling the virtues of Lord Shiva, the eliminator of darkness and ignorance. During the ceremony, participants invoke the divine by reciting passages from the holy Sri Rudram scripture and performing ablutions upon a lingam, an embodiment of the supreme being. Illuminate yourself with a deeper comprehension of this significant observance, its implications, and the host of advantages linked to its performance. Feel free to get in touch with us (+91 6394009592) or visit Markandey Mahadev Kaithi (मार्कंडेय मंदिर कैथी) for booking online Prasad and for Rudrabhishek pooja, Mahadev Mandir opening/closing hours, Pooja booking online, and more!

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What is Rudrabhishek & its Benefits - Markandey Mahadev Kaithi

What is Rudrabhishek & its Benefits - Markandey Mahadev Kaithi

Want to know about Rudrabhishek benefits & when, why and how to do Rudrabhishek puja? Then visit Markandey Mahadev temple & contact at +91 6394009592.