NBA 2K have updated their scores in accordance with the performance of players during the season
NBA 2K have updated their scores in accordance with the performance of players during the season Aug 19

NBA 2K have updated their scores in accordance with the performance of players during the season

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Because of his taller height as a result, he will have a higher center of gravity while dribbling the ball. When confronted with defensive pressure from smaller players, the action is slowed. The Green Army carefully studied KD's Dribbling technique and identified the best method of interference.

The strategy is that whenever KD dribbles the ball in front of his body to shift direction and is poised to break through, just as the ball is beginning to break the players of the Green Army will quickly shoot and take the ball.

This Green Army will increase the difficulties of KD catching the ball and improve the physical confrontation in the best way possible, so that KD has to use an enormous amount of physical force each time he takes the ball.

When KD received the ball, the green team didn't move to double-team KD but they did double-team once KD started dribbling the ball. This delayed double-team tactic seriously made KD's dribbling more difficult.

If KD would like to move the ball out, his teammates in the Green Army would increase physical confrontation with KD and then steal the ball the ball at the same time KD changed. In the event that KD and his teammates are engaged in a pick-and-roll that green army will be able to switch defenses in opposition to KD.This is the terrible thing about green army's defensive.
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19-August-2022 - 09:36 Start date
27-August-2022 - 09:22 End date
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