antigen och pcr-test
'Managing your health' or 'staying healthy' is generally connected with eating well and exercising regularly, whereas going to the doctor is associated with being unwell. At Genetika, we believe that periodically going to the doctor for preventative care or PCR Express test is crucial for remaining healthy. People who lead a healthy lifestyle are happier and live longer. We encourage you to stop the widespread misunderstanding that prevents people from seeking medical help until nothing happens. Most people only go to the doctor when they are gravely ill, such as during the on going Covid-19. You can check your PCR and antigen test at our facilities. 


Antigen Test | PCR Antigen Test | Rapid Antigen Sweden

Vårt pcr, snabb antigen-test eller antigentest, validerat av Folkhälsomyndigheten, visar om antigentester av SARS-CoV-2-viruset finns i näsan och/eller slem i svalget.