If you suspect your baby is not getting enough milk, consult a lactation consultant or lactation specialist. They will assess whether you are deprived of milk and monitor breastfeeding to see if your baby is feeding well and getting enough milk. You may suggest that you adjust your feeding position or your baby’s latch so that they can suckle more effectively. You can try Lact M Granules, which is a great breast milk enhancer by Furious Nutritions, The top Manufacturer of infant formula in India. Read..

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What to do if your milk supply is low? | Furious Nutritions Pvt Ltd

What to do if your milk supply is low? | Furious Nutritions Pvt Ltd

If your breast supply is low and not able to feed your babies properly, you can rely on Lact M Granules by Furious Nutritions. It is one of the finest human milk fortifiers with the qualities of herbs and nature.