The dental team of Dr. Claude Rast in Lucerne takes your concerns seriously. The practice offers all kinds of services, from oral hygiene to reconstructive surgeries. No matter what you come into the practice with, you can be sure that you will leave with a satisfied smile.
We know that a visit to the dentist is associated with panic for many patients and that many therefore postpone the visit until the last minute. The entire practice team in Lucerne responds to your needs with a great deal of calm and understanding. Your well-being is our priority. Convince yourself of Dr. Rast's expertise and turn to us with your problems in confidence. We give you back your radiance.

#to know about more visit our website:


Zahnarzt Luzern | Zahnarztpraxis Luzern | Kinderzahnarzt Luzern | Zahnklinik Luzern

Die Zahnarztpraxis in Luzern bietet allerhand Dienstleistungen, von Mundhygiene bis hin zu rekonstruktiven Operationen. Ganz gleich, mit welchem Anliegen Sie in die Praxis kommen, Sie können sicher sein, sie mit einem zufriedenen Lächeln wieder zu ve