Pokémon Go is a mobile game that uses augmented reality to let players catch and train Pokémon in the real world. It was developed jointly by Nintendo, Niantic, and The Pokémon Company, and released in 2016 for both iOS and Android devices. The year 2016 was a big one for augmented reality- millions of people started using app and its popularity is only continuing to grow. The player begins by creating a trainer and customizing their features. They then enter the world of Pokémon, where they use GPS to navigate to Pokéstops and Pokémon gyms. The map of the game world is filled with these locations, allowing trainers to explore and catch Pokémon.


How to Catch More Pokemons? Here are 15 Apps that Will Help - Free Apps For You

  With the worldwide popularity of Pokémon GO, our world turned into a place full of new and amazing creatures. If you’re already a trainer, these apps will help you catch even more Pokémon. If you’re still thinking about joining the