Hand Sanitizer Market Growth, Demand & Opportunities

Washing hands before eating or after coming from back home from outside is considered to be traits of a well-mannered person. The practice is, of course, related to maintaining good hygiene, since it is through one’s hands that a number of communicable diseases spread. Because of this, it is advisable for people to wash their hands frequently, to make sure that the germs from their hand don’t transfer to the body. Now with the surging pollution all across the globe, the need for keeping hands clean has risen significantly. However, it is quite impossible to carry a soap everywhere, which is why people are increasingly adopting hand sanitizers.

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Such products effectively kill pathogenic microorganisms on the hands and palms, due to which the hand sanitizer market is witnessing rapid growth. Most of the infectious diseases spread through contaminated water, and if the hands are not cleaned after coming in its contact, pathogens can be transmitted inside the body, after the unclean hands come in contact with mouth and eyes. Some of the most common and often-deadly diseases that are caused by contaminated water include salmonella, typhoid, E. coli, gastroenteritis, dysentery, hepatitis A, giardia, and cholera.

Other than this, hand sanitizers are extensively utilized in different hospital settings, which is another reason for the growth of the hand sanitizer market. Even before coronavirus, hand sanitizers were common products in hospital settings, as in medical facilities, the chances of a healthy person contracting a disease is quite high. Furthermore, doctors need to follow strict mandates of sanitizing their hands after every physical check-up or surgery. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in every 31 hospital patients records a hospital-acquired infection every day in the U.S.

The awareness regarding the usage of hand sanitizers is growing rapidly on account of coronavirus, and more people are making their use to stay safe, when they are out of their houses. Apart from this, with the surging number of COVID-19 patients every day across the globe, hospitals, both permanent and temporary, are being built everywhere. Moreover, hotels and college dormitories are also being told to install isolation rooms and purchase other essential products, in order to quarantine patients until they are recovered, because of the shortage of beds in hospitals.

Attributed to these reasons, the requirement for cleaning and sterilizing products, including hand sanitizers, is expected to grow considerably.

Hand Sanitizer Market Research Report: Global Industry Analysis and Growth Forecast to 2030

Hand Sanitizer Market Research Report: Global Industry Analysis and Growth Forecast to 2030

Hand Sanitizer Market Research Report: Global Industry Analysis and Growth Forecast to 2030