Aerogel Market with Global Competitive Analysis, and New Business Developments

Aerogel’ is not an exact mineral or material with a set chemical formula - rather, the term is utilized to include all materials with a precise geometrical structure. This structure is a tremendously porous, solid foam, with high connectivity between branched structures a few nanometres across.

Though aerogel is exactly a foam, which can take several diverse shapes and forms. Most aerogels are made of silica, but iron oxide, carbon, semiconductor nanostructures, organic polymers, copper, and gold can also form aerogel. However, within the aerogel structure, very less is a solid material, with about 99.7% of the structure containing nothing but air.

This sole arrangement gives aerogel a nearly ghostly appearance; hence, it is commonly denoted as ‘frozen smoke’.

The aerogel market is experiencing growth and is projected to reach USD 1,755.1 million by 2030.

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Chemical and Physical Properties of Aerogel
One of the most popular and most useful bodily properties of aerogel is its unbelievable lightness-it characteristically has a density between 0.0012 to 0.5 g cm-3, with a characteristic average of about 0.030 g cm-3. This means that aerogel is typically only 10 times weightier than air, and has been formed at a density of only 4 times that of air. For several years, aerogel was in the Guinness Book of world records as the ‘solid with the lowermost density’, before being overthrown recently by the metallic micro lattice and then aerographite.

Applications of Aerogel
Given its diverse chemical and physical features, the wide variety of workings for aerogel comes as no surprise. From the 1960s onwards, NASA has used aerogel as insulation material within astronauts' spacesuits, credited to its deceptively subtle appearance armed with extraordinary forte, allowing it to endure launch conditions naturally.

Aerogel is quickly becoming a crucial material within the insulation sector and has catered for many years in applications like cavity-vaccinated wall insulation and insulating boards. Particularly, historic buildings in Switzerland have been shielded using aerogel-based plaster. Collaboration between EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology) and industrial company Fixit AG has led to the growth of a render, incorporating aerogel, that is projected to provide double the insulation capacity of standard renders.

Aerogel Market Size and Share Forecast [Report 2023]

Aerogel Market Size and Share Forecast [Report 2023]

The global aerogel market generated an estimated revenue of USD 804.1 million in 2023, and it will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11.8% between 2023 and 2030.