The Benefits of Group Therapy Sessions in Massachusetts

Group therapy is like a big, supportive hug for folks seeking counseling. Led by a licensed therapist, these sessions are a chance to share and find comfort in a group. One big plus of group therapy is feeling like you belong. Being part of a group guided by a licensed therapist in Massachusetts helps individuals discover they are not alone in their struggles. Talking and listening to others’ stories creates a friendly place where you feel understood and supported. Read this blog for more info -

The Benefits of Group Therapy Sessions in Massachusetts | by Aeon Counseling | Nov, 2023 | Medium

The Benefits of Group Therapy Sessions in Massachusetts | by Aeon Counseling | Nov, 2023 | Medium

Group therapy is like a big, supportive hug for folks seeking counseling. Led by a licensed therapist, these sessions are a chance to share and find comfort in a group. The dynamics of group therapy…