Upon this Earth, a world so vast,
Where beauty lies, from first to last.
The sun that warms, the moon that glows,
The rivers that whisper, as they flow.

In meadows green, where flowers bloom,
Their perfumed scents, sweet as the moon.
A tapestry of nature's art,
Unfolding with such perfect start.

From mountains high to valleys low,
Where gentle breezes softly blow.
The chirping birds that fill the air,
Their melodies, beyond compare.

But, in this world of wondrous sights,
There lies a darkness, hidden from light.
A cry of pain, by hearts oppressed,
In desperate need, to find some rest.

We reach for hope, like guiding stars,
To heal the wounds, the hidden scars.
To mend the souls that lie in strife,
And bring back colors to their life.