Biotin deficiency can occur due to various reasons, including inadequate dietary intake, certain medications, genetic factors, and certain medical conditions that affect its absorption in the body. Symptoms of biotin deficiency may manifest as thinning hair, brittle nails, skin rashes, fatigue, and neurological symptoms like depression, lethargy, and tingling sensations in extremities.

To prevent biotin deficiency, maintaining a balanced diet rich in biotin-containing foods is essential. Additionally, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, which can interfere with biotin absorption, and managing underlying medical conditions that affect biotin metabolism can help prevent deficiencies.

Biotin Deficiency: Causes and Treatment | Healthy Life Human

Biotin Deficiency: Causes and Treatment | Healthy Life Human

Biotin Deficiency: Causes and Treatment Symptoms can include thinning hair that progresses to hair loss all over the body.