How to Choose the Right International School for Your Child?

Parents should know that determining what kind of an education their children should get is a very important choice. This sudden boom of international schools in India has provided parents with so many options, and it is important that you select a school that meets your child’s needs, values and goals. In this article, we are going to walk you through on how to choose the right international school for your child; discussing the advantage of international school and factors to consider when choosing the school itself.

Why Choose an International School?

International schools offer something different from conventional education. They equip students with international perspectives needed in today’s globalised world. The biggest advantage of international school lies in the fact that they instil cultural diversity, create academic excellence and foster wider understanding of the world.

Consider Your Child's Needs:

You must first evaluate your child by asking yourself some questions before commencing searching for him or her:
What are your child’s objectives and dreams academically?
Does he/she have any particular necessities or conditions?
What things does your son love doing in his free time? -Does she participate in enough afterschool activities? How do they learn best?
“What other things should I be aware of about my child’s learning requirements except his/her preferences?”
If you can answer all these concerns satisfactorily, then you can easily find what fits well into your kid’s educational requirements.

Research and Shortlist

Once you have understood what exactly it is that your child needs, start researching about international schools within your area. Identify Schools That:
Follow syllabus which complements what your child wants (e.g IB, IGCSEs or Cambridge).
Have good image as well as receive recognition from established bodies
Are cosmopolitan and suffer no forms discrimination or any other.
Offer a wide array of sports and extracurricular activities.
Have qualified instructors who are well experienced.
Now you can shortlist schools that meet your criteria and go deeper into each one’s unique features and offerings.

Evaluate the School's Curriculum and Teaching Methods

Your child’s learning experience is greatly influenced by the curriculum as well as teaching methods used by the school.
Consider schools that:
Offer an all-inclusive course to prepare students for college.
Put emphasis on critical reasoning, innovative thinking, creativity, problem-solving techniques.
Provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and passions in depth
Utilise different types of engaging technologies relevant to multiple knowledge acquisition styles.

Assess the School's Facilities and Resources

The school’s facilities together with resources are crucial in determining how much your child learns within that environment.
Think about:
-The conditions of infrastructure within school such as issue of classrooms, libraries, gymnasiums etc.
-Availability of information technology including digital devices like computers
-How committed is the institution towards environmental conservation? This should also look at whether there are psychological support services offered at this level.

Meet with the School's Administrators and Teachers

Organise meetings between administrators or staff once you have narrowed down your list. These meetings will help you:
• Get more information concerning curriculum programs, methods or facilities used at schools
• Obtain some idea about what life in that school is like in terms of culture and values
• Determine if they really care for learners’ wellbeing or not
• Find out what type of community exists around this place as per its suitability

The Right Choice Academy

Selecting the most appropriate international school for your son or daughter is a major decision that calls for careful thought and research. This will enable you to make a reasoned choice in respect of your child’s schooling that will affect his/her remaining education years. Understand the needs of your child, research on shortlisted schools, assess curriculum and teaching approaches, evaluate facilities and resources provided by the school as well as meet with administrators and teachers are some of the things that you need to do before making an informed choice.

At Sancta Maria International School in Faridabad, we know how important it is to deliver a world-class education that equips students for success. Our institution combines academic excellence, cultural diversity and extracurricular opportunities which helps children love learning while being globally aware. In our efforts to build supportive communities across diverse cultures, we aim at developing confident, caring critical thinkers who will help bring about positive changes within society upon exiting our institution. For parents looking for a truly international school experience, come see what Sancta Maria has on offer.