Amyris oil is obtained from the wood of Amyris Balsamifera by Steam Distillation. Amyris is a genus of the flowering plant of the tree which belongs to the citrus family, Rutceae. It is found in tropical climates and primarily native to Haiti. Also known as the, “Poor man’s Sandalwood or West Indies Sandalwood” because it has a similar essence as sandalwood. It is cheaper and more practical to use as compared to sandalwood. It is also referred to as, “Candlewood” as it burns fast like a candle due to high levels of oil present in it.

Amyris Essential oil has a soft, resinous aroma which is often used in perfumes as a base note. Pure Amyris Essential oil is a thick, pale yellow oil, has a gentle woody aroma with an underlying vanilla note with a woody, cedar-like character.